Thursday, February 14, 2019

2/14 Surgery Update

Madeline is recovering well and being so patient with all of us as we attempt to help her move around. Her pain seems to be getting better each day, and she just seems happy. The pathology report came back yesterday with a 95% necrosis rate and clear margins. This is great news! Last time the necrosis rate was 75% so this is MUCH better.

She had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon today. It was a long appointment and we were there FOREVER but we finally left with an interesting x-ray image of her leg, a fresh dressing, and a spiffy new leg brace. We will go back next Thursday to recheck her leg and hopefully get the staples removed.

My mom pointed out that we are 2/3 of the way through this - chemo (check), surgery (check) and moving toward the last part - more chemo. Now that we have the necrosis rate, we will be able to talk to the oncologists about her treatment plan going forward. 

We are so thankful for our family and friends. We truly feel all of your love and support and are just so very grateful.

Saturday, February 9, 2019


We are at home! Madeline was discharged last night and is doing well.  She is in good spirits, her meds are working to keep the pain at a minimum, and her amazing crutch skills came right back to her. Her leg is splinted from thigh to ankle so it is pretty difficult to get around, but she is doing great. We all slept well last night and enjoyed being at home relaxing today. We will meet with her surgeon on Thursday and hopefully, he will have the pathology report. We are praying for a high necrosis rate which is how they measure cell death of the tumor. This is will determine the chemo plan going forward. We are so thankful the surgery is over and Madeline is on the road to recovery. With the tumor out she is CANCER free!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

2/5 Post surgery update

Madeline's surgery yesterday went according to plan. Her doctor was able to remove the tumor on her tibia with clear margins and was happy with the knee replacement and reconstruction.

She woke up in excruciating pain and it took most of the afternoon to get it under control. This kept us in the recovery area for a LONG time. Once they got that figured out everything was much better. The nurses were also concerned about blood flow in her foot but the doctors seem to think it is fine and so we will just keep checking on that. At one point there were 4 to 5 people surrounding her bed pressing on her foot which pretty much freaked her out but I trust our doctors and I am glad the nurses are keeping a close eye on it. I am hopeful we can get her up today and that the pain meds keep doing their job.

She was in good spirits last night - talking to us and on her phone with friends. She ate some dinner and seemed to sleep good - in fact she is still sleeping.

Brad's mom is at the house keeping an eye on Ben (and Oliver), and I am so thankful to know they have dinner being delivered each night.  Thank you so much! I will update later today once we get to talk to the doctors.