Wednesday, December 16, 2015


I'm sitting here enjoying my cup of hospital coffee and thinking of all the people and things I am thankful for. We really are so loved, and we are thankful for it. When this all started back in August, I worried that our friends would, in time, forget and move on. I'm so incredibly thankful they have not. We are fervently praying that this will be over in the spring and things will go back to normal. It is such a huge prayer, but today, it seems in reach. 

Madeline had the first of two chemo doses last night and is still snoozing away this morning. She will have the second dose tonight around 10, and if all goes well we will be home tomorrow. The DVD player in our room wasn't working yesterday so they wheeled in an Xbox cart to watch movies on until it was fixed. Ben brought her Disney Infinity game to the hospital last night and they played for a long time. It was some nice mid-week family fun. Today she will finish up the rest of her school work, do some physical therapy and hopefully be feeling good. She walked the loop here at the hospital yesterday putting some weight on her leg so I'm hopeful she will be up moving around more soon. 

Please pray that the side-effects are minimal, and she continues to progress with her physical therapy. 
Hopefully my next update will be that we are home! 

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